Tips for hiring new employees

How to have a clearly defined hiring process.

Candidate interviewing for a job virtually

There’s a difference between hiring an employee and having a clearly defined process for bringing a new worker into your company. Without the right approach, there’s a greater risk of wasting time, money, and other resources. Not to mention the fact that you could make the wrong hiring decision, which can negatively impact your organization. 

Curious about hiring across borders? Learn the basics of building a global team with our free guide to hiring global talent!

Top 5 new hire best practices

Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to improve your company’s hiring process. Once you find yourself moving in the right direction, it becomes easier to manage everything from recruiting to interviewing to onboarding. 

1. Know what you’re looking for

Start by defining what you’re looking for in a new hire. This helps you narrow your options before you get too deep into the process. Here’s an example:

  • Position: marketing director
  • Experience: five to seven years
  • Location: global
  • Work arrangement: on-site, hybrid, or fully remote
  • Start date: within one month

Not only does this help you focus on the right batch of candidates, it also makes it easier to create a comprehensive and attractive job description. 

2. Organize your recruitment efforts

Even when you’re hiring for a single position, a lack of organization can turn your recruitment process upside down. Should you find yourself hiring for multiple roles with hundreds of applicants, things can get overwhelming in no time. 

Organizing your recruitment efforts means many things:

  • Knowing the position(s) you’re hiring for. 
  • Outlining your hiring timeframe.
  • Implementing a recruitment system for tracking applications, interviews, and job offers. 
  • Maintaining accurate notes of each candidate’s strengths and weaknesses.

There’s no such thing as being too organized when it comes to building an effective team. 

3. Go global

There’s no better time than now to get serious about global hiring. Gone are the days when hiring local talent was your only option. In fact, if you restrict your hiring process to your local talent pool in today’s world, you’re missing out on top talent while giving your competitors a leg up. 

Here are some of the many benefits of conducting a global search:

  • Access to a larger talent pool
  • Cost savings 
  • Ability to cover multiple time zones 

With the right technology in place, you can efficiently and effectively work with employees in every corner of the globe. 

4. Learn about labor laws in other countries

If you’re hiring a global workforce, be sure to understand the labor laws in each country. For instance, labor laws in Argentina are different from those in the United States. You need to answer questions such as:

  • What are the payroll laws in the countries where you’re hiring employees?
  • Are there paid time off requirements?
  • What national holidays are celebrated?

Before you hire a candidate in another country, learn more about the labor laws that govern your employer-employee relationship. 

5. Get your new hire paperwork in order

New hire paperwork can include (but is not limited to):

  • W-4
  • I-9
  • Direct deposit form
  • Non-compete agreement
  • Employee handbook
  • Consent to drug testing

As noted in point #4 above, paperwork will vary depending on the employee’s home country. Also, keep in mind that most “paperwork” can now be completed online. Generally speaking, employees don’t have to submit physical documents. 

Additional tips to hire new employees

Besides the above, here are three additional tips to efficiently hire new employees:

  • Post your job opening in multiple places: Take full advantage of your website and third-party online job boards.
  • Get help: Even if you’re solely in charge of hiring for your company, it never hurts to ask a coworker if they can sit in during the interview process or help review resumes. 
  • Respect each and every candidate’s time: Don’t post a job opening unless you’re ready to hire. Also, move through the process as quickly as possible and keep candidates updated every step of the way. 

How can Oyster help?

Hiring new employees is easier said than done. This is especially true among companies that don’t have a defined process facilitated by a high-powered employment platform. That’s where Oyster comes into play.

Oyster is a global employment platform designed to enable visionary HR leaders to find, hire, pay, manage, develop, and take care of a thriving distributed workforce. Oyster lets growing companies give valued international team members the experience they deserve, without the usual headaches and expense.   

Are you ready to take your hiring process to the next level? Sign up for an account today!

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