Build your global hiring plan with Oyster Talent Sense

Use AI and unmatched insights to take decisions on where to hire, what to offer, and how to create the perfect job description. And not just that—easily access candidates, assess skills, and onboard.

More than 1,500 companies trust us with their teams

Why leverage Oyster Talent Sense?


Access guided global hiring expertise

  • Find real-world salary data

  • Build competitive benefits packages

  • Receive a detailed cost estimate before you hire

  • Navigate through onboarding and offboarding complexities

Work from anywhere
Pay global team on time in 140+ currencies

Attract global talent

  • Craft powerful job descriptions and adverts

  • Develop your recruitment playbook

  • Expand your talent reach and share job openings worldwide


Find skilled candidates and verify their skill sets

  • Find skilled candidates

  • Screen applications and verify candidate quality

Reward your global team fairly
Pay global team on time in 140+ currencies

Generate tailored job offers and start onboarding

  • Develop competitive compensation packages

  • Generate job offers ready for approval

We help teams grow faster across borders

Image of Jessica Silva Director of People, Lokalise

David Dawoud

Head of People,

Lokalise logo

Without a solution like Oyster, it’s not even worth the hassle. You just end up deciding, ‘We’re not going to hire there.’ It basically restricts you from getting access to talent. Oyster takes that all away. That’s what makes Oyster great."

Image of Jessica Silva Director of People, Lokalise

Tyler Parson

VP of People,
Chili Piper

Lokalise logo

We trust with Oyster that we did do it right because we enlisted their help to help us do these things perfectly. So from a leader perspective, I can sleep easy at night knowing that we're not breaking some law that I didn't even know existed.”

Image of Jessica Silva Director of People, Lokalise

Pete Stanga

Chief Operating Officer,
Pacific Institute

Lokalise logo

The value of using Oyster is first, from an employer standpoint, the risk mitigation. Oyster is really on top of all of the laws and regulations in these countries, and we have a trusted partner who can carry out these hires and employ our staff."

Image of Jessica Silva Director of People, Lokalise

Jessica Silva

Director of People, Lokalise

Lokalise logo


We've used Oyster to hire and onboard employees in 10 different countries and we would not have been able to grow that quickly without Oyster."

Image of Jessica Silva Director of People, Lokalise

Jessica Silva

Director of People, Lokalise

Lokalise logo


Prior to using Oyster, employing anyone outside the UK was a nightmare for us... now it's super fast and painless."

Image of Jessica Silva Director of People, Lokalise

Jessica Silva

Director of People, Lokalise

Lokalise logo


Oyster's one-stop solution has enabled us to tap into the global talent pool quickly and easily."

Ready to take your global hiring beyond borders?

Get the early access to Oyster Talent Sense and be among the first to experience the future of talent acquisition!

This is a decorative image of a bird coming out of a magician's hands and wand.