Contractor management updates, time off features, and more: December product updates

See what's new this month.

Oyster Product Updates: December 2023

As the festive season unfolds, we're delighted to unveil some merry features to add a touch of joy to global hiring. This month is adorned with updates designed to elevate the Oyster experience and bring cheer to you and your team members. Our contractor management tool has been polished for a seamless experience, and now, thanks to the Oyster API, you can effortlessly manage time off with the tool of your choice. Here's to a season of delightful enhancements and smooth operations! 🌟

Here’s our roundup for the month:
🚀 New features for a smoother contractor experience
🗓️ Manage time off with tools of your choice thanks to the Oyster API
📢 More updates including the ability to apply credit notes

New contractor features designed for a smoother experience

This month, our team has revamped our contractor management tool for a smoother experience. Here are the key updates:

1.  We've introduced payout statuses and timelines in the invoices page to give contractors more visibility around their payments. This means customer admins and contractors can now view real-time statuses of each invoice as well as the date of each status. Learn more here.

2. You can now set up your ERP integration to auto-create vendors in your ERP system for any new contractors in Oyster. No more manually configuring contractors or entering invoices each month. To make sure vendors are correctly linked and created in your ERP system, follow the steps in our help article.

3. To help track working hours accurately, contractors can now generate and edit timesheets directly on the Oyster platform. As a customer admin, you will also be able to view timesheets to ensure transparency and accurate invoicing from pay-as-you-go contractors. Learn more here.

Oyster API: Manage time off efficiently with tools of your choice

Having to manually transfer time off data between your HR tools? Let’s fix this.

With the power of the Oyster API, you can now sync time-off requests from Oyster to your time-off tool and transfer time-off status to your Oyster account. Track and manage time-off requests without having to switch between different tools!

What else is new?

📝 Apply credit notes:
Reduce your invoice total by applying credit notes to open invoices. You can set credit notes to be applied as default, or for specific invoices only, by contacting us. Learn more here.

👥 New Oyster platform roles: Equip your colleagues to work more efficiently by assigning the right specialized company or platform roles to the right people. Our latest update brings you four essential roles: Expense Administrator, Time Off Administrator, Payroll Administrator, and Invoice Administrator. Learn more about each role or assign these new roles to your company now.

⭐ Oyster Talent Network:
Finding great talent just got easier! Our partner-powered recruitment solution is designed to help you find the right talent across various roles, skill sets, and locations. Whether you're in search of candidates with specific expertise, looking to fill positions in untapped locations, or striving to create a more diverse workforce, we're here to help. Learn more.

Can’t wait to see these new features in action? Log into Oyster to try them out yourself!

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