Find and hire refugee talent with Oyster

Global employment makes it possible for refugees to find stable jobs from anywhere. With Oyster for Refugees, you can find refugee talent and hire them compliantly—at no or discounted costs—and build a brilliant, diverse team.
This is an image of Employees working together

You have the power to make a big impact

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Your business and team thrive
Hiring refugees can help you reduce talent shortage and build skilled and diverse teams that are 33% more profitable. Refugees are also more likely to stay with the same employer than other hires—reducing attrition.
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Refugees and their communities thrive
Many refugees don’t have access to formal job markets but have the skills and talent. Access to global employment can help refugees find economic stability no matter where they are and accelerate change in their communities.

How can Oyster for Refugees Help you?

Find top refugee talent

Ready to meet your next all-star? Our refugee talent partner,, is here to connect you with skilled refugees from 35+ countries around the world. Their diversity recruitment platform helps you find pre-vetted candidates seeking jobs in tech or data.
Sign Up for Niya
This is an image of the Oysterhr platform showing Talent Pool
This is an image of the Oysterhr platform showing team members

Get end-to-end employment support

Oyster helps you compliantly hire, pay, and provide benefits to refugees in 180+ countries—including developing countries with high refugee populations like Turkey, Colombia, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Germany, and Bangladesh. The hiring process can be as quick as 24 hours to two weeks.
How Oyster Works

Provide free remote-ready courses

If you find an awesome refugee candidate who doesn’t have a whole lot of remote work experience, that’s okay! We’ll help them upskill with our courses created for distributed knowledge workers.
Explore Oyster Academy
This is an image of the Oysterhr platform showing Oyster Academy
This is an image of a girl with laptop

Access equitable hiring resources

Looking for information on how to create a more inclusive and equitable hiring process? Take a look at our centralized hub for resources, interviews, and how-to guides on hiring displaced and refugee talent.
Discover Hire Equitably Series

Ready to get started?

Whether you’re looking for refugee talent and/or need help hiring them compliantly, and Oyster have joined forces to support you. Here’s how you can get started in a few simple steps.
This is a decorative image of a flower plant
I need help finding refugee talent
Discover pre-vetted candidates in over 35 countries using's refugee talent marketplace.
Find Refugee Talent
This is a decorative image of three people
I need help hiring refugee talent
Found the perfect candidate? Work with Oyster to bring them aboard quickly and compliantly.
Contact Us

Oyster for Refugees pricing and discounts

Hiring refugees in countries where Oyster has direct entities:

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You pay $0 when hiring through the Oyster platform (offer valid for 10 refugee hires per company).

Hiring refugees in countries where Oyster has indirect entities through local partners:

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You pay the cost of hiring charged by our local partner. We will not charge additional costs for managing their employment through Oyster.
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Who qualifies as a refugee and how big is the refugee employment crisis?

Refugees are people who have fled war, violence, conflict, or persecution and have crossed an international border to find safety in another country. Refugees have a right to international protection. There are 26.6 million refugees (as of mid-2021) in the world and 85% of them are hosted in developing countries. (Source: UNHRC, Amnesty)

Refugees everywhere face multiple barriers to accessing jobs. Global employment and flexible work can help refugees find stable jobs from anywhere.

How can I access’s refugee talent marketplace?

Create an account with using the “Get Started” button on their website to access their refugee talent marketplace. You can find the full list of FAQs pertaining to Niya here and can contact their Head of Partnerships at with any specific questions.

How does the pricing work? Is Oyster offering a discount?

The Oyster for Refugee discount varies according to different scenarios. In countries where we have direct legal entities, you pay $0 to hire through Oyster. In countries where we have indirect entities through local partners, you’ll need to cover your new Team Member’s hiring costs. However, we will not charge additional costs to manage their employment through Oyster. Please note that if you find a hire using Niya's talent marketplace, there will be an additional charge (18% of the hire's gross salary). Niya uses this fee to train and upskill refugee talent.

Who is eligible for the discount?

Refugees who have work permits in their host country are eligible for the discount.

However, Oyster can also support hiring refugees in situations where work status may not be obvious. See the last FAQ for more details.

How can I receive my discount?

You can contact our sales team at or your Account Manager to activate the discount.

Which countries can I hire refugees in?

You can hire refugees with legal work permits in the 180+ countries that Oyster operates in. Reach out to us at to receive your special discount.

If you need help finding refugee talent, visit—our refugee talent marketplace partner. Niya works with a global community of refugees that spans 35+ countries. (And counting!)

I found a refugee talent without a clear work permit and/or access to banking services in their host country. Can Oyster help with employing them compliantly?

Legislation on refugees’ access to work is not consistent or clear in many countries. Oyster can support hiring refugees even in situations where work status may not be obvious. If you come across refugee talent without a clear permit to work or banking access, contact us at for assistance.YYou can hire refugees with legal work permits in the 180+ countries that Oyster operates in. Reach out to us at to receive your special discount.

If you need help finding refugee talent, visit—our refugee talent marketplace partner. Niya works with a global community of refugees that spans 35+ countries. (And counting!)