Are you searching for the top tech talent that the world has to offer? Are you open to the idea of hiring outside of your home country?
If you answered yes to either of these questions, now’s the time to learn more about Poland's workforce and thriving tech talent pool. Not only will you gain access to a larger selection of qualified candidates, but you may also save money and improve your business’s bottom line.
Hiring across borders can be straightforward with the right partner and a plan in place. For many companies, that means turning to an employer of record (EOR) in Poland.
EORs in Poland
In simple terms, using an EOR in Poland allows you to tap into a fast-growing talent pool without the typical headaches of global employment.
At Oyster, our global employment platform makes hiring in Poland simple. We manage all aspects of employment on your behalf, which saves you time and money.
Some of the many tasks we handle include:
- Onboarding: The process of integrating and acclimating new employees into your company.
- Payroll: The process of paying your employees in full and on time, every time.
- Benefits: The management of benefits including (but not limited to) health insurance, life insurance, and retirement plans.
- Time off management: The management of time off requests.
- Offboarding: The process of managing an employee's exit from your company.
If you start hiring employees in Poland without an EOR, you’ll have to manage all these details—among others—on your own.
Talk to one of our advisors today to discover how our global employment platform streamlines the onboarding process for team members from Poland.
A few things to know about hiring in Poland
As you compare candidates in Poland to those in other countries—such as Spain—you’ll come to realize that each country has its own particularities when it comes to labor laws and regulations. Here are a few important details to keep in mind as you consider hiring in Poland.
1. Employer costs
There are employer costs in Poland that don’t necessarily come into play in other countries. In addition to wages paid to employees, there are also mandatory contributions and benefits. Most commonly, this includes health insurance and social security contributions, both of which are based on an employee’s gross salary.
Here’s a breakdown of employer contributions:
- Retirement: 9.76%
- Disability: 6.50%
- Accident: 0.67%–3.33% (1.67% at Oyster)
- Labor Fund: 2.45%
- Guaranteed Employee Benefits Fund: 0.10%
- Employee Capital Plan: 1.5% (mandatory if the employee decides to participate in the plan)
Depending on the industry, there may be additional statutory benefits and occupational health and safety training requirements.
2. Working hours
The working hours and overtime pay in Poland may differ slightly from your home country.
To start, the typical workday in Poland begins at 8 or 9 a.m. and ends at 4 or 5 p.m. The nation’s standard workweek is 40 hours over five days with weekends off. This structure is similar to most other countries.
The main difference has to do with overtime because there are specific regulations to follow. For example, employees are only permitted to work a maximum of eight hours of overtime per week on average. Overtime pay is 150% of the standard rate, while Sunday and holiday pay is 200% of the standard rate. There is also a 20% rate increase for work done at night, i.e., the 8 hours between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m.
Overall, working hours and related arrangements in Poland are similar to other parts of the world, including the United States, Canada, and most other European countries. The country’s regulations for overtime and late-night work puts more emphasis on providing employees with a sound work-life balance.
3. Public holidays
Public holidays in Poland include the following:
- New Year’s Day
- Three Kings Day
- Easter
- Labor Day
- Constitution Day
- Pentecost
- Corpus Christi
- Assumption Day
- All Saints’ Day
- Independence Day
- Christmas Day
- Second Day of Christmas
When hiring in Poland, plan for employees to take these days off. In addition, many Polish residents take time off during the summer months—primarily July and August—to go on vacation.
Full-time employees who have worked for less than 10 years are entitled to a minimum of 20 days of paid annual leave. Those who have worked 10 years or more are entitled to 26 days of paid annual leave.
4. Probation and termination guidelines
Workers in Poland may be subject to a maximum of three months’ probation. Once this period ends, the employer is not obligated to retain the employee.
In general, there are four ways employers and employees part ways in Poland:
- Mutual decision between both parties
- A declaration by the employer or employee with notice
- A declaration by the employer or employee without notice
- Contract expiration
When an employment relationship ends, the employer must grant a Certificate of Employment and remove the employee from their Social Security Authority roster. The termination notice must list a valid reason for ending the contract (save for the probation period).
The required amount of notice depends on the length of the employee’s tenure, with two weeks’ notice for 6 months’ service at the low end of the scale and 3 months’ notice for 3 years’ service at the high end. Additionally, worker tenure determines the severance they’ll receive if the termination is served by the employer due to reasons not related to employees (economic, technical, organizational):
- Less than 2 years’ tenure results in a month’s salary
- Between 2 and 8 years’ tenure results in 2 months’ salary
- More than 8 years’ tenure results in 3 months’ salary
About Oyster
Oyster is a global employment platform designed to enable visionary HR leaders to find, engage, pay, manage, develop, and take care of a thriving distributed workforce. We let growing companies give valued international team members the experience they deserve, without the usual headaches and expense of hiring abroad.
Oyster enables hiring anywhere in the world—with reliable, compliant payroll and great local benefits and perks.