Feel connected from anywhere

Learn how to build meaningful relationships with your coworkers across the globe.

Course overview




40 minutes


Online self-paced course

When working in a remote setting, it’s easy to feel isolated. In this short course, you’ll learn how to build trust, support, and social connection with your coworkers—without having to fly across the world and meet them face to face. Psst, did you know this course counts towards Remote Ready certification? Sign up below to get certified.

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What will you learn?

In forty minutes, our Oyster instructors will guide you through:

  • Building professional relationships 
  • Developing trust through feedback
  • Creating time to socialize

Who is this course for?

Remote workers

Whether you’re new to remote work or a seasoned digital nomad, find tips for thriving in your work-from-anywhere career.

Meet your instructors

Get started— it’s free

Plus, you can move at your own pace. So why not get the ball rolling and sign up now?

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