2024 Global Impact Report

Last year we published Oyster’s 2023 Global Impact Report. This is our third year publishing our impact report and we’re back to share the progress we made over the last 12 months.

See our progress on Oyster’s internal and external impact goals.

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2024 Global Impact Report

Last year we published Oyster’s 2023 Global Impact Report. This is our third year publishing our impact report and we’re back to share the progress we made over the last 12 months.

See our progress on Oyster’s internal and external impact goals.

Delivering impact in a challenging world of work

  • How global employment is getting easier, faster, and more viable

The Oyster journey in 2023 was one of increased impact and validation of our mission. We obtained B Corp status and significantly increased the number of people from emerging economies engaged on our platform. As our report shows, Oyster continues to have a positive effect on the lives of workers across the world. 

We remain committed as an organization to combating societal and environmental challenges and strive to lead by example. Our tradition of radical honesty in impact reporting continues, as we aim not just to share successes but to trigger essential conversations about the role of tech companies in creating a positive impact.

In this report, you’ll learn: 

  • What percentage of workers hired through Oyster are based in emerging markets
  • How employment through Oyster impacts compensation and work-life balance 
  • How much money we’re sending each year to emerging markets through salaries paid
  • The propensity for companies to hire talent in global communities
  • Oyster’s own progress on internal diversity, equity, and inclusion metrics
Annual Impact Report 2024

Creating a more equal world of work

Each year, we strive to distribute more opportunities across the globe—so everyone, anywhere, has the chance to prosper. Learn more in the report. 

Download previous impact reports