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Compliance Services

Six Fifty

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World-class legal for every-size business. SixFifty is a technology company that is dedicated to making the law more accessible. The easiest, most affordable way to receive top-tier employment and privacy legal help.

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🤝 Together we’re transforming the future of work

Six Fifty delivers an easy and affordable way to receive top-tier employment and privacy legal help - for companies hiring in 50 states in the US, who are looking to grow and move across borders. Coupled with Oyster, you get the full package so you can hire the top talent compliantly across borders, plus pay and care for them.

✅️ Key features

  • Take the hassle and guesswork out of legal documents, with continuous monitoring to ensure you are compliant
  • General Counsels expertise in practice and reach

📦️ Exclusive discount

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"You understand and acknowledge that the tools and resources accessed on the website, the Oyster Platform, Oyster Academy, and all other sites owned or operated by Oyster HR, Inc. (collectively, the “Site”) are provided as-is. These tools and resources are provided for general information only and are not intended to amount to advice on which You should or can rely. You must obtain professional or specialist advice before taking, or refraining from taking, any action on the basis of the content on Our Site.  Although we make reasonable efforts to update the information on our Site, we make no representations, warranties, or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content on Our Site is accurate, complete, or up-to-date."

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